All of the books that they tell you about are ebooks. It can be for kindle, nook or whatever device you have that you would like to use. When you sign up, which is free, you get to put in your preferences. There are your book preferences as well as device preferences.
This website is... Book Bub.
Now that you know what this website can do for you, you should check it out!! Just click on the website name above and it will take you to the website...
Let me know if you have any questions or would just like to share any websites you use to get your books. Wether free or not I would love to know!
One of my favorite places to get books is Half Priced Books. Most of their books are used but some are new and they sell them at a very low price. I get a lot of my books there and I have bought a book from them that was .99! I don't know if you can buy the books online but I go to their stores.
I also have a book blog if you want to check it out. If you like it please follow and share. I dont have much on it but I just started it a couple days ago and I post ever day.