Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mad Love by Suzanne Selfors

            Mad Love is such a cute book. I read it around Valentines and I realized I haven't reviewed it yet. This book is about Cupid. Cupid, otherwise known as Errol, wants his real love story to be written. Every time someone has written his story they always create a happy ending for it, but that is not how it happened. Alice is the daughter of the "Queen of Romance" does she have what it takes to write Errol's love story? I sure hope so.

           This book has some amazing lessons to teach its readers. A) the universal truths about beauty. I don't know if it is necessarily true, but either way the last one is my favorite. 1)"The first universal truth about beauty is that all guys like long hair." 2) "The second universal truth about beauty is that all guys like big eyes." 3) and by far my favorite, "The third universal truth about beauty is that no guy's gonna think you're beautiful if you don't believe it yourself." This is some good advice. Love yourself.

            Some more good advice... "It comes down to this- you either go and get what you want or you don't--" I think that's pretty clear. Don't procrastinate. Which I suck at. I am really good at procrastinating. I would go as far as to say I am a pro. But we shouldn't do that. Especially when we want something.

             Although this is fictional, I think that this book teaches a lot of beneficial things. And sooner or later it might come down to losing something if we don't go and get it.So do what you have to do. Keep reading and love yourself!!!

"Never be ashamed of who you are...Who you really are."--Suzanne Selfors


  1. I tagged you for the Readers Problems Tag! Read my post here:
